“everybody’s working for the weekend” - Loverboy.
the days are longer. with the month of may exiting and the month of june signifying summer’s arrival, my weekend days have been filled with activities. john hamilton has uncharacteristically persuaded me to leave the apartment for the last weekends of may.
it is grand to ride a bicycle on the weekend. with no obligations or destinations the act of riding a bicycle becomes nothing short of beauty. the possibilities suddenly become endless.
on the weekend of the breakaway 100 race, I found myself accompanying hamilton to the thrift store. no longer was hamilton’s goal to find ironic t-shirts; but rather hamilton sought collared shirts to resemble his current employment as a public educator. this out pour of maturity would end the following weekend, but its briefness was amusing.
my team lost the breakway 100. second place is first place losers, as the saying goes. and no one was more disappointed as I was - during a particularly tough transition my expensive cycling spandex ripped in the chaos. it was not that our team was not fast - dare I say we were faster then all the teams that participated - but we could not transition between each other worth a darn. in the end our team’s handicap was our biggest enemy.
early on memorial day weekend I took seth goodnight to get his orbea triathlon bicycle repaired. at island triathlon & bicycle (the shop that seth bought his bicycle) the owner encountered seth’s plight with a less then enthusiastic endeavour. bare in mind that seth’s bicycle cost well over 4000USD and upon entered the store with a broken bicycle the owner basically said, “there’s nothing we can do for you.”
the following day hamilton coerced me to leave my residence to ride bicycles. we met up with john oliveira and kawika samson. we broke into a new parking structure and was asked to leave promptly by mall cops. then we found free shave ice, cuyler yogi, and a former honolulu mayor at a drugstore. last year cuyler rode his bmx bicycle from california to texas, which is an accomplishment worthy of recognition.
somehow a bunch of people began showing up. and someone - I think it was hamilton - suggested climbing up to the pali lookout on our bicycles. almost everyone made it to the top and it was a tremendously good time. the climb was just enough effort without being obscene and the scenery leading to the top was beautiful.
reeda martin and I rode our bicycles to kahala to view a movie on memorial day. reeda and I could have gone to closer location in the neighborhood, but what would be the point of such nonsense? I consumed two tall cans of iced tea, six string cheeses, a bag of popcorn, a brownie, and few servings of uncle edie’s vegan cookies. I have not gorged at a movie theatre in some time, and I suspect that I was making up for lost time.
all in all I am glad another month has passed. the months are moving along far too slowly for my liking.