Thursday, February 28, 2013

Changing The Uniform Of Speed.

"my buddy produced a single Rainier beer that we proceeded to share amid beautiful views and good conversation. it struck me that this unpredictably good weather, single beer, and the company of a good friend were as good a birthday gift as any I could have dreamed of. combined with the beer and fading sun, this feeling kept me warm on the chilly ride home." - nate white of bellingham, washington.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Passive Me, Aggressive You.

the final cyclocross race of the hawaii season occurred over the weekend. john girmsey of hickam area cycling club (HACC) bought out the goods - i.e. flags, obstacles - and dale dolejsi made a surprise appearance. many newcomers and old-timers emerged from the woodwork to make the last race of the season exciting. and what excitement it was - everyone was giving it their all on the fastest downhill providing spectators with defiance(s) of gravity. unluckily though, girmsey crashed during one such feat of defiance and was rushed to the emergency room. girmsey ought to recover and will hopefully be back on the road soon. all photos are courtesy of ellen meiser and/or rheo sibal.